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Refund and Returns Policy

Return Policy

All Purchases of UACTOKENS are Final

All purchases of UACTOKENS are final and non-refundable save as expressly set out in our Terms of Purchase.

By purchasing any UACTOKENS You acknowledge that neither the Company, its affiliates, directors, nor shareholders are required to provide a refund or allow a cancellation for any reason except as may be required by applicable Laws or regulation.

Refusal of purchase requests

If the Company believes, at its sole discretion, that any owner of UACTOKENS creates a regulatory or other legal risk, or any adverse effects for the Company or UACTOKENS, the Company reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to buy all UACTOKENS from such UACTOKEN owners at the current market price or to suspend or terminate the sale of UACTOKENS to such person immediately or to restrict the use of UACTOKENS held by such UACTOKEN owners.

The Company reserves the right to refuse or cancel UACTOKENS purchase requests at any time in its sole discretion.
