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Countdown to start of redemption period of The 999 Fine Art Collection

How redemption works

NOTE: This excerpt is a guide only as to the properties of 999NFTs.  For full details, please read our Terms of Purchase, the terms of which are definitive in connection with the purchase and/or sale of any 999NFT.  In the event of any conflict with any provision stated here or the Whitepaper or elsewhere, the conflicting provision as stated in the Terms of Purchase shall control.


Each 999NFT is minted with the grant of a single, time and event limited, unique right to the undivided ownership of one troy ounce of pure, unrefined gold in the ground (the “Grant”) together with the digital art it contains.  This gold is part of UAC’s holdings of such gold located in the ground at a gold mine in the USA. 

In addition to the Grant, each 999NFT is also minted with a time-limited “Right of Redemption” whereby during the designated time, the lawful owner of a 999NFT can redeem their 999NFT by delivering it to UAC in accordance with our “Terms of Purchase” and in accordance with any additional terms for Redemption posted on the Redemption Page of this website.  Each 999NFT so tendered to UAC for redemption shall, upon good delivery, be sent for burning* releasing any interest the owner held both in the 999NFT and in the Grant.

In exchange, the owner of the 999NFT tendered and burned shall receive: 

  1. the physical delivery and outright ownership of a uniquely serial-numbered, one troy ounce bar of 999.9 refined fine gold (the “Gold Bar”); and
  2.  a newly minted Unique Art Concepts NFT (a “UACNFT”) comprised solely of the same digital art as the redeemed 999NFT but without any redemption right of any kind.

The 999NFT Redemption Right will be available to each 999NFT for exercise by its lawful owner commencing 12:00:01 a.m. on November 16th, 2026, in Cheyenne, Wyoming USA, and will remain available through 11:59:59 p.m., December 31, 2029, in Cheyenne, Wyoming, USA (the “Redemption Period”).

Subject to availability, an earlier Redemption Period can be obtained for any 999NFT at the time of purchase at additional cost by purchasing an “Early Redemption Add-On”. Please click HERE for details as well as the current availability and price for each Early Redemption Add-On.

The end of the Redemption Period marks the lapse of both the Redemption Right and the Grant that existed prior thereto.  Any 999NFTs remaining unredeemed after the lapse of the Redemption Period and all UACNFTs will simply feature the digital art each was minted with without any other features.

NEW FEATURE: Upon Redemption, the legal owner of each 999NFT, in lieu of taking physical delivery of a Gold Bar, will have the right to “roll-over” their existing 999NFT during the Redemption Period for a new 999NFT having a redemption period set at approximately five years forward from the date of the rollover and the initial 999NFT having been burned. Full details, terms, and conditions necessary to exercise this right will be found in an amendment to the Terms of Purchase and excerpted here prior to the commencement of the Redemption Period.

*Burning a non-fungible token means destroying it.  Burned NFTs are sent to a verifiably un-spendable address, ultimately eliminating this NFT from the blockchain.  Transactions leading up to the burn will remain on the blockchain ledger.
